Update on dates and times for cooking classes

victoria —  April 27, 2007 — 1 Comment

Nashville State is gearing up for the summer session. I will be teaching six classes, two each on cookies and brownies, cakes and bread. They will be on Saturdays in June, July and August from 8:30 to 12:30 (1:30 for the bread class). Lecture and hands on baking. You can call to sign up for one or a series of all three at 615.353.3456 or visit the NSCC Workforce Development Website.

The Technological Center classes in Murfressboro begin May 7th at 6 PM. It is a ten week course on cooking with Herbs, Oils and Vinegars. It is lecture and demo with tastings. You can call 615.898.8010 to sign up for classes.

Hope to see you there.



One response to Update on dates and times for cooking classes

  1. The “Django Recommends” links are up and running on my Web site. Be sure to check out my favorite eatin’ places!


    Joltin’ Django

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