We’ve moved!

victoria —  June 26, 2008 — Leave a comment

You wouldn’t notice of course because the internet elves (i.e. Keifel) did all the packing of electrons and shuffling of whatnots over to our new hosting service. The people we had before got bought up by another company and the new owners were, um, not very nice.

In addition to moving we got a cat, which of course you also can’t see. I’ve never had a cat before and Orion is good for hours of entertainment. This could explain the current dearth in posts. But it doesn’t really. I just haven’t had much to say because I’ve been alternately over-scheduled, on vacation, stresses, bummed or pleasantly diverted. It’s complicated.

On a foodieporn related note, I have a new favorite magazine. Australian Gourmet Traveller. It covers travel destinations I won’t be able to afford in the next 20 years without some help from the lottery and Australian restaurants in which I won’t be eating, at least not this week. But… but… the photographs are absolutely gorgeous and I have actually attempted some of the more complicated dishes. The recipes work (I have a scale that has metric and imperial — which helps). I highly recommend it if you need some new exciting foodieporn.



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